Japan 2001


When we arrived in Yamagata from Mt. Zao we had a bit of time before catching our train. We went to a agricultural festival just outside the station. The pictures on this page show the festival and some scenes from our trip with Kimura-san to Tsuruoka and Abe-san's farm house at Ebishima. Two pages.

This man is making puffed rice. He cooks the dry rice in a pressure cooker and "explodes" it into a mesh cage. Here he is mixing a sugar syrup into the puffed rice.

This is a ring toss setup where you can try to win a vegetable. Yoshiko and Tsukiko both missed, but Steve won a tomato

Kimura-san took us in his car to our next destination - Tsuruoka and Abe-san's farmhouse in Ebishima. On the way we passed through the mountains of the Dewa Sanzen area. Here is some pampas grass growing along the roadside.

Tsukiko and Yoshiko standing by the pampas grass
Before reaching Tsuruoka we visited an old farm house museum-           pnext.gif

You can step through the pages of this site using the table below.
The table is arranged (left to right) in a chronological sequence.

Japan 2001 Home Page

Disney Sea

Mt. Zao

Yamagata to Dewa Sanzen

Ebishima Farm House

Ebishima Festival


Atsumi Onsen


Gembikei Gorge




Nagiso and Shirojiri

Around home


Farewell dinner

Other activites
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