Japan 2001
Nagiso & Shirojiri

We took the bus from Tsumago to Nagiso where we waited to catch the train to Shirojiri and then on to Shinjuku. While waiting for the first train we had time to check out the river and an interesting suspension bridge nearby.

This is a double arch suspension bridge with lateral suspension cables

The rocks in the river were nearly snow white

These rocks have washed down from the mountains above.

Another view of the suspension bridge.

In Shirojiri we went to a sushi bar to get some eki-ben (train lunch)

While waiting for the sushi to be prepared we had a cup of tea.

We took the train home and enjoyed our sushi eki-ben. The next day it rained and we relaxed
Around home where we had a tea party (tea ceremony), looked at old family photos and some of these photos of our trip thus far, and looked at some of Michie's silk needlework.-           pnext.gif

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The table is arranged (left to right) in a chronological sequence.

Japan 2001 Home Page

Disney Sea

Mt. Zao

Yamagata to Dewa Sanzen

Ebishima Farm House

Ebishima Festival


Atsumi Onsen


Gembikei Gorge




Nagiso and Shirojiri

Around home


Farewell dinner

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