Japan 2001

On our return back to Tokyo we took a side trip to the town of Mashiko. Famous for its pottery (there are many practicing artisans and potters there today) it was also the home of the famous Japanese ceramic artist, Shoji Hamada. His farm house and kilns are there today and, along with some other buildings moved to the site, have been made into a museum. The museum is one of the old buildings and they also serve to house Shoji Hamada's collection of ceramic art objects, and other art objects, from around the world. There is also a comprehensive collection of works by Shoji Hamada himself.
We happened to arrive there the day before a five day festival was to begin. Many potters were setting up outdoor exhibits of their wares for the festival. There were over 100 booths clustered around the town's center. There are three pages of photos of the Mashiko Museum and of the festival preparations in the town.

Mashiko Sankokan - (The Mashiko Reference Collection Museum)

THis is the entrance to the Mashiko Sankokan. It is an old thatched roof farm building

Yoshiko is sitting by the potter's wheels used by Shoji Hamada

This small kinl mad by Shoji Hamada was used for firing special colors

Yoshiko is standing by a larger kiln of fire brick..

Yoshiko is standing by a very large kiln the stretched up the hill side for about 50 feet.

A flash was used in this photo to reveal the interior of the kiln

Yoshiko is standing in front of the potters building where the potter's wheels were seen. There were stacks of wood everywhere to be used for firing the kilns.

This large old farm house is now used as a museum. Some larger ceramic pieces can be seen sitting on the ground in front of the building.

We walked from the museum which was located at the edge of town to the central part of town, about 1/2 mile distant. There we saw people setting up for the pottery festival-           pnext.gif

Mashiko sankokan
Pottery Festival
Pottery Wares

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The table is arranged (left to right) in a chronological sequence.

Japan 2001 Home Page

Disney Sea

Mt. Zao

Yamagata to Dewa Sanzen

Ebishima Farm House

Ebishima Festival


Atsumi Onsen


Gembikei Gorge




Nagiso and Shirojiri

Around home


Farewell dinner

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