Japan 2001

Ebishima Village Festival

The village of Ebishima held a festival on Sunday. Featured were different foods of the area including rice and other vegetables. Locally prepared foods were featured for the enjoyment of everyone there. These included hand made soba noodles by Abe-san, mochi made in the traditional manner (hammered in a wooden bowl), miso soups, and pickled vegetables. On this page we can see photos of mochi (sweet rice ) prepared in the traditional manner. The special sweet rice is first cooked in water in the conventional manner. The cooked rice is then placed in a large heavy wooden bowl where it is hammered into a gooey paste.

Here the mochi rice has been placed in a wooden tub and is being mushed around.

The individual grains of rice are still discernable in this shot.

Later the heavy pounding action takes place. A large wooden mallet is swung repeatedly on the glob of rice.

The woman in the green apron turns the glob of rice between blows. Good teamwork is required or serious injury could result..

The blows are delivered with force. Onlookers are careful to keep their distance.

Kazuro-san is working as a vendor selling various food products made of soy bean.

Yoshiko makes mochi at home, especially around the Christmas and New Year's hollidays. But she uses a mochi machine, similar to a bread making machine. The mochi machine does the cooking and battering itself.

I mentioned that one of the other featured foods was hand made soba noodles, personally made by Abe-san. The next page shows pictures of a "soba noodle eating" competition. Featured was a foreign competitor from California.-           pnext.gif

Ebishima Festival
"soba noodle eating" competition

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Disney Sea

Mt. Zao

Yamagata to Dewa Sanzen

Ebishima Farm House

Ebishima Festival


Atsumi Onsen


Gembikei Gorge




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Farewell dinner

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