Japan 2001

Dewa Sanzen - Old Farm House

Before reaching the town of Tsuruoka near the Japan Sea, Kimura-san took us to visit this old farm house which is now a museum.

The wooden farm building has a thick thatched roof.

Cut pampas grass was stacked all around the farm house. This grass was used for making a variety of items used by the farmer.

This decorative ornament was hung over the front door.

Inside the house is the main room covered with tatami mats and with a centrally located fire pit

Some old style sandels and boots

The farmer's wife was picking fresh vegetable (something like watercress) outside the building.

More views of the outside of the farm house

The pampas grass is tied in neat bundles.
Next we went to Abe-san's home, the
Ebishima Farm House -           pnext.gif

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Japan 2001 Home Page

Disney Sea

Mt. Zao

Yamagata to Dewa Sanzen

Ebishima Farm House

Ebishima Festival


Atsumi Onsen


Gembikei Gorge




Nagiso and Shirojiri

Around home


Farewell dinner

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