Japan 2001

Disney Sea - Journey to the Center of the Earth

There are about four premier rides at Disney Sea. Our first choice was the "Journey to the Center of the Earth." Second was "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." Third was "20,000 Leagues under the Sea." We got in a long line for our first choice; a line about 1/2 km or more that wrapped around the volcano mountain. The line moved rather rapidly and in less than 1/2 hr we reached a place inside the mountain where we inserted our tickets in some sort of tall cylindrical tube. I asked Yoshiko what this was for and she said it will tell some kind of story. Well, a card spit out of the machine with Japanese writing on it. We took our cards and went passed the tall cylinders and everyone had disappeared! What happened to that long line we were in? Where is the ride? Had we been tricked?
It turned out the the cards we received from the machines were reservation tickets to go on the ride some 3-1/2 hours later in the day. WOW! So we rushed over to the Indiana Jones ride, about 15 minutes away, and went through the same exercize. But when we received our reservation tickets it said we were denied. Seems we had to wait 2 hours, or more, between making reservations for one ride before we could make the next. To make a long story short, we ended up going on just one ride of choice during that day.
Here are some pictures from the "Journey to the Center of the Earth."


The journey began in this distant active volcano. Periodicaly the volcano erupted with loud roaring and a lot of fire spewing from the top.

This machine was used to drill a tunnel in the side of the volcano.

This device was used to descend into a lake.

This panel depicts the elevator and elevator shaft shaft that we used to descend into the depths of the earth

The control panel inside the elvator

These cars we used to move around in the tunnels, etc. under the earth.
It was actually a very interesting and exciting ride. Each car carried up to 6 people and we rode past a lot of spectacular underground sites. I couldn't use my camera becaues we were held in by bars and prevented from having anything loose in our hands. Turns out that was good advice. There was a warning to those with high blood pressure or heart trouble to not go on this ride. That was also good advice. While we were under ground the volcano started to erupt and we had to get out of there fast. It was a pretty exciting and thrilling ride. Next we go to the
Gondola in Venice.-           pnext.gif

Other pages of Disney Sea Pictures
Disney Sea
Journey to Center of Earth
Gondola in Venice
Sinbad's Seven Voyages

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