Japan 2001


By the time we reached the shrine at the top of the mountain the rain was falling steadily. We persevered and quickly toured the grounds of the shrine.

Here is the red shrine building with a thatched roof

Another view from the side. Not many people in view.

There were tall cypress trees and small colorful Japanese maple trees all around the shrine grounds

This covered steep passage way led from the shrine buildings to a ryokan operated by the monks. We are trudging up hill on the road in the rain.

This is the large temple bell

This three legged crow is part of the story of the shrines historical beginning

Our sightseeing for the day is now over. Time for Tsukiko to head back to Tokyo, Steve & Yoshiko to head down the coast to a hot spring, Atsumi Onsen and Kimura-san to return home to Tsuruoka-           pnext.gif

Dewa Sanzan Jinja shrine

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The table is arranged (left to right) in a chronological sequence.

Japan 2001 Home Page

Disney Sea

Mt. Zao

Yamagata to Dewa Sanzen

Ebishima Farm House

Ebishima Festival


Atsumi Onsen


Gembikei Gorge




Nagiso and Shirojiri

Around home


Farewell dinner

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