Yoshiko's friend from high school, Takeko-san, invited us for a three day trip to Nagano prefecture. We met in Tokyo and had lunch at a famous tofu restaurant. The restaurant is owned by the owner of the glass musuem we visited in Hakone.
Before lunch however, we visited neaby Takahatafudo temple which had an exhibit of chrysanthemums.
Takeko and Yoshiko at the Temple's chrysanthemum exhibit.
Yoshiko and Takeko are putting incense smoke over their heads so that they will be smart.
A yellow chrysanthemum.
A pink chrysanthemum.
It was also the time of year for shichi-go-han (7-5-3) where girls of ages 3 and 7 and boys of age 5 are dressed in kimonos and taken to the temple for a special service. Here are some pictures taken at Takahatafudo temple.
A family photo.
Brother & sister.
Another family photo (with grandmas.)
Some childrens masks and toys for sale.
The trip continued on to Nagano prefecture where we visited: