Yokohama Scenes
Yoshiko's sister, Michie, took us to Yokohama for a visit. Since she used to work there, she knew the area well.
Our first visit was to the Cat Museum. Both Michie and Yoshiko love cats.
Yoshiko standing at the entrance to the cat museum.
An exhibit in the cat museum.
An exhibit in the cat museum.
An exhibit in the cat museum.
Here are some scenes around Yokohama harbor.
The Yokohama toll bridge. (5000 yen to cross)
Yokohama harbor.
Yoshiko and Michie strolling near the harbor.
Leaves from one of the many ginko trees near the harbor.
A luxury steamer from the '30s moored at the dock.
Sea gulls make good use of the mooring chain.
Michie and Yoshiko strolling along the waterfront.
Sea gulls in the water.
This man is feeding the pigeons.
This is the home a of a man living on a traffic island.
This is his yard and garden
Yoshiko's family
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