Seventeenth day in Japan

Jindaiji Temple

On our sixteenth day in Japan Yoshiko an I went to Shinjuku and Ochanomizu for looking around, shopping and delivering art works. We discovered that Ochanomizu is the center for all the ski and golfing equipment stores. It is incredible! there a blocks and blocks of sports stores and all were packed with csutomers. Amazing! There are no pictures from this day. (Maybe on the eighteenth day when we return for the art gallery reception I will get some pictures)

On our seventeenth day (Sunday, Oct. 31) we went to Fuchu Nomori Koen (the nearby park) where we saw people playing tennis, rugby, soccer, baseball and general palyground activities. In the afternoon we visited the Jindaiji Temple which in near the school Yoshiko attended as a child. We have pictures from there as it is the beginning of shichogosan (7-5-3) time for the children of Japan. It is my favorite time to take photographs.

This monk is playing the Taiko while he and other monks are chanting a sutra for a thrre year old girl for shichigosan . This ceremony is similar to babtism in the Christian faith. The young girl will be under safe protection for the rest of her life.

The head monk is burning some of the child's past treasures as a service to the ancestors and is purifying the memorial boards (with family names, etc.) shown in the background. These will later be given to the members of the family for retention.

This three year old girl is preparing to enter the temple

She looks a bit apprehensive. Here family members are there to guide and support her. She is wearing a special kimono for the occasion.

Here is a seven year old girl waiting for her ceremony to begin.

These two seven year old girls are in the temple. The monks are chanting a sutra and performing the shichigosan ceremony.

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